Saturday, December 3, 2011


Eu falei...
que não suportaria mais dor;
que a cicatriz queimada
a fogo por um amor
se tocada,
sangraria meu coração...
Então, pedi...
que tivesse cuidado
com uma vida machucada,
com um coração amassado,
medroso da vida na estrada!
Digo, assim, agora...
siga o caminho da hora
e deixe para trás, a curar,
esse coração que chora
e ainda se esconde de amar!


Ei, você!
Você, aí!...
Você que grita, reclama da sorte,
mas nunca arriscou a vida
ou esteve perto da morte.

Você, sim...
Você que não chora
para não ver sua pose no chão,
Você, que esqueceu o que seja uma canção!

Você, que nem lembra da franqueza,
que faz caridade para aparentar nobreza.
Você, o robô enferrujado que se imagina gente,
O autômato gelado que infesta o presente.

Você, que pensa, age,
segundo um cálculo seguro;
Você... que não tropeça no escuro.

É, você mesmo...
Anda, ri da humanidade,
mostre sua piedade...

Você, que manipula o riso,
Mas não entendeu que sobre este piso,
Você é o palhaço de verdade!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Foi assim, simplesmente...
como o nascer do sol;
como viver serenamente;
como ser sem bloqueios...
Foi assim, simplesmente..
que me vi em tuas mãos,
que me senti um universo,
e me expandi em tua luz...

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Entrelinhas instigantes...
Uma descoberta a cada verso;
rimas sempre vibrantes
em um poema controverso;
novo a cada palavra
e de tão antigo conhecer...
Você é a pura poesia
que nunca canso de ler!


A luz surreal do luar
inunda ruas sem fim,
alaga marcas de passos,
escorre nas sombras, devagar...
Segue sons de sapatos....
desnuda formas, suavemente,
de paisagens decantadas...
E sai, timidamente,
criando uma imagem irreal...
mundos de vidas marcadas,
de uma beleza sem igual.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Entre o pastel das cores
de imagens tão distantes
que permeiam tantas dores...
vidas contidas em instantes.
Libertas pelo viver,
pelo trajeto e a ação,
e pela coragem de ver
muito além da equação.
Transcritos seres serenos,
conscientes pelo aprender...


de um céu indescritível;
trazendo a alma refeita
e em cada átomo sensível,
a luz brota , perfeita!
Superando o físico e o denso,
Transmutando-o em estrelas, enfim...
renascendo em um intenso
vibrar de universos, sim!
Eis que se encontram, afinal,
o primaz e o inconsciente,
numa fusão sem igual
da origem e do presente!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Friday, April 1, 2011

More aunties to arrive

More and more sexy aunties galleries to arrive stay tuned and sorry for delaying posting the galleries. We will start posting more and more exclusive galleries very much soon so stay tune.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Silencios pairam no ar...
antes do sol morrer,
antes de se ouvir o troar,
antes que se possa ver.
Silencios pairam no ar...
calando vozes e bocas,
escondendo o olhar,
gerando ideias loucas.
Silencios pairam no ar...
depois de todo vendaval,
depois de todo chorar...
um novo inicio, afinal.

Friday, March 25, 2011


Suave, insistente, instigante,
vinda de todo lugar
beijando a água, cativante;
brisa com cheiro de mar.
Açoita faces desnudas
com um toque singular,
acariciando bocas mudas;
brisa com cheiro de voar.
Envolve corpos dolentes
levando-os para outro vibrar,
ultrapassa portais tangentes
direto para a dimensão amar.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Nos esboços de um momento único;
nos traços de uma luz intensa;
rabiscos de amor platônico
em contornos de amor suspensa.
Desenhos feitos a mão
criados na alma sentida,
guardados no coração;
contornos de amor e vida.
E as cores feitas de sons
completam as formas visíveis
com raros e belos tons;
contornos de amor perceptíveis!

Monday, March 21, 2011


Misturar cores infindas
nas telas em branco da vida;
e em palavras do viver advindas
pintar em expressão colorida...
Unir os sons do universo
criando sua própria música
com todo o intenso do verso
que a torna uma obra única;
Se afastar do coral,
conhecer a sua voz
ecoando no mundo ao redor...
Saber que sempre, afinal,
você, de si mesmo é o autor.

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Busca que invade as cores
e se espraia no ar;
vive, insuspeita, entre as flores
e na dimensão das asas a voar.
Busca que em nuances vibantes
recria a sombra e a luz,
evapora em tardes quentes
e em chuva o mar seduz.
Busca que muda o cantar
do canto do universo que tocamos
e que podemos transformar:
nós mesmos...e tudo que somos!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Aruna - Tho Aa Roju Rathri

Institute of Historical Research:The Institute of Historical Research (or IHR) is a British educational organisation providing resources and training for historical researchers. It is part of the School of Advanced Study in the University of London and is located at Senate House. The Institute was founded in 1921 by A. F. Pollard.
Eastman Dental Hospital:The Eastman Dental Hospital is a specialist hospital for dental treatment in London, United Kingdom and forms a part of the University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.It is located on Gray's Inn Road, in the Bloomsbury area of Central London.It is closely associated with University College London (UCL) and in partnership with the UCL Eastman Dental Institute, which occupies the same site, it is a major centre for dental research and the largest provider of postgraduate teaching and training in dentistry in Europe.In 2009 there were more than 22,000 orthodontic appointments at the hospital, making its orthodontic department one of the largest in the UK.It is part of both the UCLH/UCL Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre and the UCL Partners academic health science centre.

Udaya Bhanu - Dengulata

Loughborough University:Loughborough University is a campus university located in the market town of Loughborough, Leicestershire, in the East Midlands of England.It has been a university since 1966, but the institution dates back to 1909, when the then Loughborough Technical Institute began with a focus on skills and knowledge which would be directly applicable in the wider world, a tradition which continues to this day, with the UNIEI funded Annual Survey on University Technology Transfer Activities finding Loughborough to be the most efficient technology transfer operation in the UK.Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry:Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry (PCMD) is a Medical and Dental school in England, run in partnership with the University of Exeter, the University of Plymouth and the NHS in Devon and Cornwall. The school has campuses at the University of Plymouth, the University of Exeter, the John Bull Building (Derriford Hospital and Tamar Science Park), the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital and the Royal Cornwall Hospital.

Rommalloa Ruchi-01-02

Eastman Dental Hospital:The Eastman Dental Hospital is a specialist hospital for dental treatment in London, United Kingdom and forms a part of the University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.It is located on Gray's Inn Road, in the Bloomsbury area of Central London.It is closely associated with University College London (UCL) and in partnership with the UCL Eastman Dental Institute, which occupies the same site, it is a major centre for dental research and the largest provider of postgraduate teaching and training in dentistry in Europe.In 2009 there were more than 22,000 orthodontic appointments at the hospital, making its orthodontic department one of the largest in the UK.It is part of both the UCLH/UCL Comprehensive Biomedical Research Centre and the UCL Partners academic health science centre.

Pakkinti Pellaam Tho Dengulata

Institute of Advanced Legal Studies:The Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (IALS) is part of the School of Advanced Study of the University of London. It was founded in 1946 as a national academic institution to promote and advance legal research, implementing a proposal of 1934 report of the Legal Education Committee chaired by Lord Atkin. It became part of the University of London's School of Advanced Study in 1994. In addition to academic research, it caters for the postgraduate law students at London University who are studying for an LLM or PhD. It also arranges seminars and lectures, many of which are open to the public.The IALS library, part of the University of London Research Library Services, is considered the leading library for law research in the UK. It holds around 300,000 individual items and subscribes to about 3,000 legal journals. The library also houses an extensive archive of documents relating to legal education.

Chilipi-07 - Raa Dengu Plzz

St George's, University of London:St George's, University of London (SGUL), previously known as St George's Hospital Medical School (SGHMS), is a specialist medical college of the University of London, and one of the United Hospitals. The college has its origins in 1733,and was the second institution in England to provide formal training courses for doctors (after the University of Oxford). St George's Hospital Medical School affiliated with the University of London soon after the latter's establishment in 1836. As of 2008 the medical school accepted around 100 graduates, 175 undergraduates and 10 students from overseas making it one of the larger UK medical schools.

Pryunaku Lekha - Aa Roju Rathri

London School of Economics: The London School of Economics and Political Science (informally the London School of Economics or the LSE) is a public research university specialised in the social sciences located in London, United Kingdom and a constituent college of the federal University of London. Founded in 1895 by Fabian Society members Sidney Webb, Beatrice Webb and George Bernard Shaw,the LSE joined the University of London in 1900 and degrees were issued to its students from 1902 onwards. Despite its name the LSE conducts teaching and research across the entire range of the social sciences, including accounting and finance, anthropology, economics, geography, history, international relations, law, philosophy, politics, psychology, social policy and sociology.

Preyudni Vachchina Bhaaryatoa

London Business School:London Business School (LBS) is an international business school and a constituent college of the University of London, located in central London, beside Regent's Park. LBS teaches postgraduate programmes in finance and management, in addition to its MBA flagship program, Sloan Fellowship Program for experienced business executives, Masters in Finance (also known as MiF, a finance specialist programme), Masters in Management for students with less than a year's work experience, PhD, as well as non-masters programmes for business executives. It was established in 1964, after the Franks Report recommended the establishment of two business schools, as part of existing universities (London Business School and Manchester Business School), but with considerable autonomy.It has close collaborations with the nearby University College London and the Modern Language Centre at King's College London. In December 2006 launched its operations in Dubai, which include an executive MBA degree and Executive Education programmes.

Saahityam Sarasam Srungaaram-01-02

University of London:Based primarily in London, England, the University of London is a federal mega university made up of 31 affiliates: 19 separate university institutions, and 12 research institutes.As such, the University of London is the largest university in the UK by number of full-time students, with 135,090 campus-based students and over 45,000 in the University of London International Programmes.The university was first established by a Royal Charter in 1836, which brought together in federation London University (now University College London) and King's College (now King's College London), to establish today's federally-structured University of London.Graduates of the University of London may use the post-nominal letters 'Lond.'

RenDu Jantala Dengulata - Kamakeli

Imperial College London: Imperial College London (officially The Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine)is a public research university located in London, United Kingdom specialised in business, engineering, medicine and science.Formerly a constituent college of the federal University of London, Imperial became fully independent in 2007, the 100th anniversary of its founding.Imperial's main campus is located in the South Kensington area of Central London on the boundary between the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and the City of Westminster, with its main entrance on Exhibition Road. It has a number of other campuses in Central London, including in Chelsea, Hammersmith and Paddington. With a total of 525,233 square metres of operational property, it has the largest estate of any higher education institution in the UK.

Suka Saptati-01

Wimbledon College of Art: Wimbledon College of Art (formerly Wimbledon School of Art) is a constituent college of the University of the Arts London and is one of London's major art institutions. It is located in Wimbledon and Merton Park, South West London.Wimbledon is divided into three academic schools:
    * School of Foundation Studies
    * School of Fine Art
    * School of Theatre
Each school delivers a suite of specialist art and design courses ranging from foundation, undergraduate and postgraduate, as well as providing research supervision for students undertaking a research programme of study.

Suka Saptati - Kamakeli

 University of Cambridge: The University of Cambridge (informally Cambridge University, or simply Cambridge) is a public research university located in Cambridge, United Kingdom. It is the second oldest university in both England and the English-speaking world and the seventh oldest university globally. In post-nominals the university's name is abbreviated as Cantab, a shortened form of Cantabrigiensis (an adjective derived from Cantabrigia, the Latinised form of Cambridge).The university grew out of an association of scholars in the city of Cambridge that was formed, early records suggest, in 1209 by scholars leaving Oxford after a dispute with townsfolk.The two "ancient universities" have many common features and are often jointly referred to as Oxbridge. In addition to cultural and practical associations as a historic part of British society, the two universities have a long history of rivalry with each other.Academically, Cambridge ranks as one of the world's top universities. Cambridge now ranks first place in the world according to the QS university rankings, ahead of Harvard and Yale, and contends with Oxford for first place in UK league tables.

Rambha Tho Aa Roju Rathri

University of Bolton: The University of Bolton (formerly Bolton Institute of Higher Education) is a university in Bolton, Greater Manchester, England. It has over 13,000 students across all sites and courses, with 700 academic and professional staff. The University is popular locally with around 70% of its students coming from Bolton and the North West region. The Times Newspaper profile states: ‘The University sees itself as a regional institution, with around three quarters of the students coming from the North West, many through partner colleges.'

Ratiloa Aadavaari Istaalu- Phalitaalu

Aston University:Aston University is a "plate glass" campus university situated at Gosta Green, in the city centre of Birmingham, England.The lake at the heart of the campus with triangular fountain. Established in 1895 as the Birmingham Municipal Technical School, Aston was granted its Royal Charter as Aston University on 22 April 1966. Following from its background in Technology, Business, Sciences, Engineering and applied subjects, Aston continues to have a focus on industry and commerce. The University also has a thriving School of Languages and Social Sciences. A majority of undergraduate students are registered on courses leading to a BSc and 70% of eligible undergraduate students at Aston are enrolled on four-year "sandwich" courses, spending a year abroad or on industry placements.The university emphasises its focus on industry placements and graduate employment record:in 2007-8, 83% of first degree graduates found "graduate level" employment within six months of graduation, compared to the UK national average of less than 70%. This was the 8th highest proportion of all UK Universities and Colleges.

Starting Trouble - Raa Dengu Inka Dengu

Wimbledon College of Art: Wimbledon College of Art (formerly Wimbledon School of Art) is a constituent college of the University of the Arts London and is one of London's major art institutions. It is located in Wimbledon and Merton Park, South West London.Wimbledon is divided into three academic schools:
* School of Foundation Studies
* School of Fine Art
* School of Theatre
Each school delivers a suite of specialist art and design courses ranging from foundation, undergraduate and postgraduate, as well as providing research supervision for students undertaking a research programme of study.

Sruti Layalu - Aa Roju Rathri

London College of Fashion: London College of Fashion (LCF) is a constituent college of the University of the Arts London, offering undergraduate, postgraduate, short coursess and business-training in fashion and lifestyle industries. It is the only college in Britain to specialise in fashion education, research and consultancy.The London College of Fashion is a constituent college of the University of the Arts London, with Camberwell College of Arts, Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, Chelsea College of Art and Design, London College of Communication and Wimbledon College of Art.